Canadian weather can be harsh. We're here to answer any questions that you have may have about the integrity of your roof.
Do you see any of the following?
All of these are symptoms of an unhealthy roof.
If your shingles are in poor condition, you are generally best off to replace your entire roofing system.
This would include leak barrier protection, synthetic deck protection, shingles and ventilation.
The most popular time of year is spring and fall.
If your roof is old and underperforming, roof replacement can help lower energy bills. Overheating during the summer is a sign of inadequate ventilation. A new roof lowers energy bills with ventilation and sound materials that prevent excess drafts and water leaks.
Keeping your roof clean and new can reduce risk of algae or other fungi that may grow compromising the integrity of your roof. However, if the task is too daunting, give us a call.
One strong storm can send branches crashing into your roof. This lets in moisture and rots tiles, reducing the roof’s overall integrity.
If a low-grade caulking was used during installation, all parts may not hold a tight, waterproof seal against the structure of your house. We can help you with this.
Gutters clogged with leaves and debris can back-up water as it drains. This backup of water can rot the facings and other components of your roof, putting your interior at risk.